Ballets Russes Map Comparisons

We worked in ArcGIS, GoogleMaps, and Carto to display simple pin-drop maps, heat maps, chronological maps, and cluster maps. In some cases, these may be combined to provide the benefits of both styles. Though our some 2,900 cataloged performances of the Ballets Russes...

Alliance Française Exhibit

Yesterday, we held the opening of our exhibit at the Alliance Française in Minneapolis. It will run for two weeks, and then we get to keep pretty, glossy pictures, so really it’s awesome. A lot of people came to enjoy the remarks, exhibit, and refreshments...

Fantastic mysteries and where to find them

How do you conduct research when the data has already been collected for you? I face this question often as I catalog the Ballets Russes data. Since Jane Pritchard, Sarah Woodcock, and Lynn Garafola have already collected all of the Ballets Russes performance data...

Spreadsheets, Data, and Survival

Dear Future CURI Researcher, Data entry has a bad rep. Sure, typing in all those records can take a long time, and doesn’t usually make the top ten list of mentally stimulating activities, but when done right, the process can be downright enjoyable. Listed below...