Atlas Tragique de la Musique

The Atlas Historique de la Musique map of Conservatories, Festivals, and Opera Houses in Eastern Europe and Beyond was eye catching because of its simplicity, but was confusing for the same reason. As many others did with their own maps, our goal was for the map to...

An American in Paris

As I was researching jazz music, I saw references to Langston Hughes’ autobiography The Big Sea. 1 In it, he describes his arrival to Paris in February 1924. He details finding work and housing, discovering the jazz scene and the city, and finding love. Using his...

What, How, and Why?

  When I tell people I’m working on a project called “Mapping the Musical Geography of 1924 Paris” I usually get a polite response of “that sounds…interesting,” (refer to the facial expression below), and a prompt diversion of the conversation. To be...