by Reed Williams | Jun 19, 2019 | CURI Summer 2019
After a week of struggling to find geographic breakdowns of census records for the early 1900s, we did it! Actually Ann Schaenzer did it. Thea and I went to her today to ask if she knew of any good resources, and she pointed us to Social Explorer. Not only does this...
by Isabel Kramlinger | Jan 29, 2019 | DUR January 2019
Throughout the entirety of January, I worked with eleven other hard-working student researchers to create our final project, The Life and Legacy of H.T. Burleigh, and what a month it has been! I wasn’t sure what the culmination of our efforts would look like, but I am...
by William Beimers | Jan 22, 2019 | DUR January 2019
Though we have been making maps throughout the month, it is only this past week when we have been instructed to finish up our research on the various areas of the life of Harry T Burleigh and begin constructing our final maps and project. The students have been...
by William Beimers | Jan 16, 2019 | DUR January 2019
It has been about a week since we started looking at the life of Harry Burleigh, and I have learned much more than I expected over this short time. I was initially tasked with mapping Burleigh’s relationships in the context of the Harlem Renaissance, which is a...
by broske1 | Jan 13, 2019 | DUR January 2019
Last week we were tasked to redesign musical geography maps from A History of Western Music (Norton, 2014) and Atlas Historique de la Musique and in groups of two we set out on our cartographic quest. The map below shows the distribution of Italian Music Centers in...