Data Rich Sources, Where are They?

I have had amazing results from online Newspaper collections where data streams into my spreadsheets at over 20 entries per hour. Other sources have not been so fruitful. Textbooks and periodical collections include more steps to transcribe data and are often less...

Letter From an Editor

When we began this project, one of our first readings was parts of Mark Monmonier’s How to Lie with Maps1. Now that Jacob and I are working on our editing specialization, I’m reminded that his lessons apply to words as well. That might seem like a little bit of a...

Shoveling in a Blizzard

As our research project on H.T. Burleigh is beginning to come to a close, we’ve been assigned specialization tasks to divvy up the final work that has to be done in order to get the maps finished.  Alongside Ian, I’ve been given the role of a data...