
As we are beginning to piece together our project on H. T. Burleigh, our class has divided into a handful of different specializations in order to create a more polished, cohesive project. I am looking forward to taking on another week of researching with Jessie and...

Different Perspectives in Research

Conducting research on someone from an era as foreign to me as the early 20th century is really a blessing as much as it is a curse.  Of course, being almost one and a half centuries younger than H. T. Burleigh has left me with a severe lack of knowledge of his...

Dear Future CURI students

Dear future CURI students (for this project, at least), A few words of advice. As you’ve undoubtedly realized by now, finding information is relatively easy. Plugging into the spreadsheet in a usable fashion, though, may be turning out to be slightly more...