by Annika Van Farowe | Jan 16, 2019 | DUR January 2019
After reworking maps from the Atlas Historique de la Musique or from A History of Western Music last week, our class has now delved into our research on H. T. Burleigh and started to plot our first sprinklings of data onto maps. My researching and mapping is focused...
by Jessie Camp | Jan 16, 2019 | DUR January 2019
I am three weeks into my research on the people H.T. Burleigh knew, and it has been full of so many different twists and turns. But researching is different for everyone. Today, I’m going to share with you the 5 things I’ve learned through our research thus far. 1....
by Ian Schipper | Jan 14, 2019 | DUR January 2019
Researching HT Burleigh has proven an engaging and inspiring process. My task, as I’ve chosen to accept it, is to find performances of Burleigh outside of New York City. I chose to make this a cluster map to show how many times he performed in a city or in a...
by William Beimers | Jan 7, 2019 | DUR January 2019
Boy it has been a busy few days. When I first started last Thursday I had never heard of GIS, Google MyMaps, critical spatial thinking, the digital/spatial humanities, or data cleaning. Not to mention the various Renaissance composers, works, or cities that have been...
by maney | Dec 2, 2015 | Music in Paris in the 1920s (2015)
As I think back to the beginning of the semester, one of the most valuable and powerful tools that has resonated with me is the importance of the process of doing research. I have learned about the intense experience it can sometimes be, and how to be patient and...