by Stella Li | Apr 4, 2017 | DUR Spring 2017
Throughout the course so far, spacial thinking has been an important idea that we engage in our critical process. From analyzing DH models to trying out different GIS platforms, we have been training our brain to perceive questions from a spatially imaginative...
by baumga1 | Apr 3, 2017 | DUR Spring 2017
Nothing is ever objective in mapping. Nothing. Thinking about this concept is truly scary. The reality of the matter is, there is no objective reality. This semester, I have grappled with this issue more than I could have ever imagined in the subjective reality that...
by hynes1 | Apr 2, 2017 | DUR Spring 2017
Thus far, we have read extensively about mapping practices and methodologies, and we have also held several Skype “dates” with prevalent scholars working on digital humanities projects (including Diana Sinton, Kate Elswit, Harmony Bench, and Todd Decker,...
by hynes1 | Mar 24, 2017 | DUR Spring 2017
In looking for instances of music in the Gulag, I found that most books about Russian music of the time omit tales from the Gulag. I do not know why. However, I also started reading anthologies of Gulag survivors’ stories, and they richly detail the musical life...
by lopezv | Mar 16, 2017 | DUR Spring 2017
Researching for my topic on Heitor Villa-Lobos has been very interesting thus far. My project will focus on his travels however focusing on his Solo Vocal Art Song works (those with voice and piano). The reason being for this narrow of a topic is because after...
by lopezv | Mar 16, 2017 | DUR Spring 2017
This mapping platform by Eliot Van Buskirk scrapes streaming music giant Spotify’s playback data to demonstrate the musical sounds of different countries and select cities. Clicking on a city, marked by a green dot, displays a musical playlist illustrating the...