Cultural Diplomacy in 1924 Paris?

In addition to creating the map, many of us have taken on other projects in order to apply the data we’ve collected and (since we come from an interdisciplinary background) to explore our own interests. I sought to incorporate my interest in international...

More Americans in Paris

I think we were all excited to discover just how many Americans were in Paris in 1924. From Hemingway to Fitzgerald, their well-documented stays in the city of lights provided valuable contextual information that transplants the reader into Paris during the roaring...

1924 travel guides…an unexpected source

In A Room with a View, E.M. Forster’s beloved 1908 novel, the young British protagonist Lucy Honeychurch religiously clutches her Baedeker travel guide as she explores the Italian city of Santa Croce. The tactless and comical Miss Lavish believes herself to be more...

An American in Paris

As I was researching jazz music, I saw references to Langston Hughes’ autobiography The Big Sea. 1 In it, he describes his arrival to Paris in February 1924. He details finding work and housing, discovering the jazz scene and the city, and finding love. Using his...