by Breanna Olson | Jun 19, 2015 | CURI Summer 2015
As we’ve been researching these past few weeks, I have made it a personal goal to try and find music in untraditional spaces in Paris. This quest began for me in the catacombs. I had always thought of these tunnels as irksome dungeons under the streets of Paris...
by Breanna Olson | Jun 18, 2015 | CURI Summer 2015
You might be asking yourself, “Who even is Nicholas Obuhov?” I know that’s what I first asked myself when I came across him in a general music chronology of 1924. The description indicated that he finished his score for “Le Livre de Vie”...
by Breanna Olson | Jun 15, 2015 | CURI Summer 2015
When I tell people I’m working on a project called “Mapping the Musical Geography of 1924 Paris” I usually get a polite response of “that sounds…interesting,” (refer to the facial expression below), and a prompt diversion of the conversation. To be...
by Breanna Olson | Jun 8, 2015 | CURI Summer 2015
Perhaps you’ve seen the iconic advertisement for Le Chat Noir in a French souvenir shop and thought, “that’s so French!” Maybe you’ve seen the infamous youtube star Henri the existentialist chat noir and thought, “that’s even more French!” Located in the bohemian...
by Breanna Olson | May 31, 2015 | CURI Summer 2015
With week one done, I think I am well into my crash course on music history of the 1920’s. I feel like I’m learning another language filled with composer names, genres, and works of music. What’s helpful though is that these “vocabulary...