Our goal, as I understand it, is to continue work on the website created last year that provides detailed maps of various subjects providing information about music in Paris in 1924. My role will be as a general researcher, uncovering dates/times/locations of works performed along with entry of said data, but also as a Latin translator (particularly helpful in church music). A couple of our goals are to discover and master a program that allows us to input mass amounts of information and create user-friendly maps for anyone, and to create different categories of maps (Beethoven’s Symphonies, for example) so that users may refine their search for performances effectively in addition to learning about the music of 1920’s Paris.
I bring my knowledge of Latin to the table as well as a keen interest in the music of Paris, in addition to my determined work ethic and ability to maneuver my way into less-known sources. Also, I have acquired several years of presentation skills as a competitive speaker which will help with any presentation opportunities. I hope to not only learn about Paris itself, but also to gain experience working with a team and brushing up my presentation skills as we present our information at the end of the summer and possibly at various conferences.