Queer? Musicology

Upon first reaction to reading both the Dorf and the Moore articles, I was completely of the mindset that there is no way to find something gay in music. Much like the discussion we had in class about Germaine Tellefairre’s music and how we could find nothing...

Questioning the Queerness

Dorf and Moore are sure of their convictions in their writing, but they haven’t fully convinced me. I understand how Dorf applied sapphonics to Satie’s Socrate, but the Sapphonic concept itself that Wood writes about in “Queering the Pitch” is...

A Tale of Two Articles

Both of the articles deal with the dual culture of public and private in the circle of homosexual composers and patrons. They also both dealt with the presence, or lack thereof, of sexual undertones in Poulenc and Satie’s work. The Dorf article presented the...