The arguments by Dorf and Moore present interesting perspectives about the topic of homosexuality. In Dorf’s article,  he argues that the work Socrate, based on the life of Socrates by Satie was possibly affected greatly by Princess Polignac masking her personal life. He argues that the Princess Polignac needed to abstain from lesbians because it was crucial to her survival in Paris. Dorf goes on to explain that it was best for her to keep her distance from some of the “flamboyant lesbian personalities” because it would allow her to be discreet in her love affairs and keep her private life out of the limelight (93). He also describes that her concealment of her private life and Satie’s life may have impacted the sexuality aspects that went into Socrate. He proclaims it as an “act of sexual defiance” because the Princess could have expressed her sexuality but failed to do so in this work (96). On the other hand Moore’s article, Camp in Francis Poulenc’s Early Ballets, he emphasizes that even though Paris thrived the “homosexual subculture” during the period, the fear of disdain and isolation affected the way queer culture flourished. Poulenc’s relationship with Richard Chanlaire in the late 1920s.